UTOPIANS - - - Utopian Society Project JPG
UTOPIANS - - - Utopian Society Project VIMEO 3m:08s

UTOPIANS - Utopian Society Project

UTOPIANS - Utopian Society Project - -

Official Selection

Title of Piece: UTOPIANS
Brand: Utopian Society Project
Production Company: -
Client: Utopian Society Project
Agency: -
Director: Nicole Medvecka
Editor: Nicole Medvecka
Director of Photography: Nicole Medvecka
Costume Design: Margaryta Revutska & Valentina Kalinichenko
Hair & Makeup: Tanya Kunz
Music/Sound Design: Maryana Klochko
Casting Director: Nicole Medvecka
Writer: Story idea - Nicole Medvecka & Julia Gonchar
Additional Credits: Fetuaring Tanya Ponomareva & Dima Reznik
Additional Credits: 1st AC - Pavel Alekseenko
Additional Credits: 2nd AC - Sergey Melnik
Additional Credits: Color Grading by Benjamin Packer
Additional Credits: Drivers - Alexander Yashan & Mykola Lopuzyak
Additional Credits: Rental - Patriot Rental Ukraine
Additional Credits: Filmstock by KODAK
Instagram Tag: @nicole_8mn @utopiansociety.project @ritarevutskaya @valentinakalinichenko @tn_ponomareva @apple_wormy_ @prizvyshche #utopians #utopiansocietyproject
Short Synopsis: It's about how you wish you could be together and love together, but you can't, because it feels like there's not enough air to breathe anymore. It's also about good nostalgia and about when something is gone, but good feelings and memories remain with us forever. And if the memories stay with us forever, do we really end the relationship with each other? Or does every story never seem to end?
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