EXPERIENTIAL (Best Speculative)

Gemma - Derrick Javon - JPG
Gemma - Derrick Javon - VIMEO 1m:01s

Derrick Javon

Gemma - - Derrick Javon


Title of Piece: Gemma
Production Company: Derrick Javon
Model(s): Gemma Trinity Perez
Modelling Agency: Wilhelmina
Director: Derrick Javon
Producer(s): Derrick Javon
Editor: Derrick Javon
Director of Photography: Tom Ford
Creative Director: Derrick Javon
Costume Design: Felicia DiSalvo
Hair & Makeup: Weronika Wikt
Music/Sound Design: Derrick Javon
Casting Director: Derrick Javon
Writer: Derrick Javon
Additional Credits: Gaffer - Christopher Burke
Additional Credits: Colorist - Tom Ford
Instagram Tag: @dareebearr @gemmatrinity @the.other.tomford @just_chr1s_topher @feliciaadisalvo @weronikawikt
Short Synopsis: Surreal fashion visuals that provoke the viewer to watch closely.
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