EXPERIENTIAL (Best Experimental)

Restless - Ibuki Studios - JPG
Restless - Ibuki Studios - VIMEO 0s

Ibuki Studios

Restless - - Ibuki Studios


Title of Piece: Restless
Production Company: Ibuki Studios
Model(s): Jay Jang
Modelling Agency: Want Management
Director: Liam Cushing
Producer(s): Michael Ren
Editor: Trevor Clifford
Director of Photography: John Ker
Production Design: Britt Skelly
Hair & Makeup: Kathy Nguyen
Music/Sound Design: Dabney Morrris/Trevor Clifford
Visual Effects: Luke Bellissimo
Writer: Liam Cushing
Additional Credits: Wardrobe Carla Candela
Instagram Tag: @liamcushing @john_ker @thebrittskelly @recognizekat @trevor.clifford @hobinnjng @ibukistudios @lukebellissimo @carlacandela @renmichael1
Short Synopsis: How can disruption have the dual ability to both destroy and create? Do these disruptive moments function as transitions to benefit ourselves or act as a hindrance to how we can grow? Restless is a meditation on the discomfort that disruption can breed and how we ultimately react to them. Do challenging these routines allow us to evolve where we no longer experience disruption as discomfort, but rather a new transitory state of growth?
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