EXPERIENTIAL (Best Experimental)

Here and There - Maria Barton - JPG
Here and There - Maria Barton - MP4 4m:03s

Here and There
Maria Barton

Here and There - - Maria Barton


Title of Piece: Here and There
Production Company: Maria Barton
Director: Maria Barton
Producer(s): Maria Barton
Editor: Carlos A.Rodriguez
Director of Photography: Carlos A.Rodriguez
Creative Director: Maria Barton
Hair & Makeup: Ana Buvinic
Music/Sound Design: Song: Blue Monday - Cava
Additional Credits: Colorist: Christina Tsilioris
Additional Credits: Dancer: Marcelina Liebner
Instagram Tag: @studio.barton @carlosartrod @marcelinaliebner @cavacavaca @ana.buvinic @christinatsi_
Short Synopsis: A reflection of a series of feelings communicated through movement, somewhere between a dance and a freed body expression, are suddenly unpacked after a brief encounter with a stranger in the street.

This video shows how a silent and casual encounter can be the tipping point of someone's mental state and how each person manages that mindset differently. We explore, particularly, how this person manages that mood, imagining that the crowded city around her doesn't notice her.
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