EXPERIENTIAL (Best Documentary / Portrait)

Truths & Transitions - RES® - Calvin Klein JPG
Truths & Transitions - RES® - Calvin Klein MP4 1m:49s

Truths & Transitions - Calvin Klein

Truths & Transitions - Calvin Klein - RES®


Title of Piece: Truths & Transitions
Brand: Calvin Klein
Production Company: RES®
Client: INDIE Magazine
Director: Sven Gutjahr
Producer(s): Filiz Serinyel

Editor: Sven Gutjahr & Klara Plainer
Director of Photography: Anton Beliaev
Costume Design: Vero Save
Hair & Makeup: Larissa Pauli
Music/Sound Design: Sound Design by Florian von Keyserlingk with additional music by Pisces
Writer: Sophie Yukiko
Props Stylist: Greta Marie Mayer
Additional Credits: Colorist: Dmitry Litvinov
Additional Credits: Gaffer: Alan Waddingham
Instagram Tag: @res.sereseres @svengutjahr @antonbeliaev @stephbarretoa @claraplainer @litvinovdimaa @verosabe
Short Synopsis: In the midst of his transition journey, model Steph Barreto de Araújo speaks to his best friend, writer and performance artist Sophie Yukiko, about visibility, vibrancy and the importance of being vocal.
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