EXPERIENTIAL (Best Experimental)

Insomnia - Individual - No JPG
Insomnia - Individual - No MP4 2m:33s

Insomnia - No

Insomnia - No - Individual


Title of Piece: Insomnia
Brand: No
Production Company: Individual
Client: No
Agency: No
Director: Alexandra Isakova
Editor: Alexander Voytzekhovsky
Director of Photography: Slava Kuleshov
Art Director: Sophia Burnasheva
Hair & Makeup: Mich Sachkov
Music/Sound Design: Alexander Voytzekhovsky
Writer: Henry Miller
Instagram Tag: @Alexandraisakova @philosofiya @slavikkuleshov @sashavoytzekhovsky @michkiselev @marusyamake @veshutov @andreyhv
Short Synopsis: "Insomnia" is a captivating fashion film composed mainly of photographs that weaves together a mesmerizing narrative tapestry. This artistic creation transcends the boundaries between past and present, blurring the lines of reality and imagination, as inspired by the gripping short story "Insomnia, or The Devil at Large" by Henry Miller.
Our fashion film takes viewers on a thrilling journey through fragmented memories, offering a unique visual exploration of human experience.
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