EXPERIENTIAL (Best Music Video / Performance)

SVYAZ’ - Tatiana Lepp - ZA_ZA JPG
SVYAZ’ - Tatiana Lepp - ZA_ZA MOV 1m:55s

Tatiana Lepp

SVYAZ’ - ZA_ZA - Tatiana Lepp


Title of Piece: SVYAZ’
Brand: ZA_ZA
Production Company: Tatiana Lepp
Client: Alexandra Koryakina
Director: Tatiana Lepp
Producer(s): Tatiana Lepp
Editor: Mariam Jahia
Director of Photography: Evgeny Zimin
Production Design: Tatiana Lepp
Costume Design: Alexandra Koryakina
Music/Sound Design: Alexey Pervyakov (PRIRODA)
Writer: Tatiana Lepp
Short Synopsis: The word "connection" (Svyaz’) refers to connections in the broadest sense: the bond between man and woman, one's connection to one's true self, the human connection to nature, the generational connection (the designer drew inspiration from past eras), and the universal human connection to the world.
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