Choco Hoax - C41, Eclettica - JPG
Choco Hoax - C41, Eclettica - VIMEO 5m:54s

Choco Hoax
C41, Eclettica

Choco Hoax - - C41, Eclettica

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Choco Hoax
Production Company: C41, Eclettica
Director: Alice Fassi
Art Director: Alice Fassi
Creative Director: Alice Fassi
Editor: Alice Fassi, Margherita Freyrie
Director of Photography: Giulio Melani
Production Design: Viola Aprile
Hair & Makeup: Yuri Napolitano, Elisa Maisenti
Music/Sound Design: Giorgio de Lauri
Casting Director: Giorgia Aversa
Visual Effects: Giorgio Ajello
Writer: Alice Fass
Additional Credits: Fashion Stylists: Francesca / Rafaela
Additional Credits: Graphic Designer: Alberto Ricchi
Additional Credits: Motion Designers: Francesco Bocchini
Additional Credits: Photographer on set: Marco Gehlhar
Instagram Tag:, @eclettica_____, @alice.fassi, @violaprile_ @marcogehlhar, @francesca_rafaela, @gio_aversa, @WeDoCasting
Short Synopsis: Choco Hoax is the latest fashion film by Milan-based filmmaker Alice Fassi. The film offers a satirical critique of greenwashing and the consumerist tendencies of contemporary society. With a blend of irony and surrealism, the film exposes the deceptive nature of marketing campaigns that promote products by highlighting what they lack rather than their true essence.
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