EXPERIENTIAL (Best Documentary / Portrait)

The Ghost - Locolor - JPG
The Ghost - Locolor - MP4 1m:18s

The Ghost

The Ghost - - Locolor


Title of Piece: The Ghost
Production Company: Locolor
Model(s): Chris Kalbitz, Brian Namiro
Director: Adrian & Greg
Producer(s): Adrian Nehm & Gregor Kuhlmann
Editor: Adrian Nehm
Director of Photography: Michael Breyer
Production Design: Nicolas Ritter
Costume Design: Brian Namiro
Hair & Makeup: Daria Andreva, Lana Berginc Predovič
Music/Sound Design: Dominik
Instagram Tag: @locolor_production @brian_namiro @gregorkuhlmann @adrian_nehm @michaelbreyer_photography @chriskalbitz @nicolas_ritter_ @dariiandreeva @hairby__marisol
Short Synopsis: The video acts as a snapshot of who Fashion Creative Brian Namiro is and what he does within the fashion world. It highlights his versatility, illustrating different styles and shades of his personality and creative process. The video tells the story of his journey as a Stylist and Creative in a succinct yet impactful way, emphasizing his ability to evolve and innovate.
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