LIFESTYLE (Editorial Media)

Lunata - salt & pictures GmbH - Dust China JPG
Lunata - salt & pictures GmbH - Dust China VIMEO 1m:55s

Lunata - Dust China
salt & pictures GmbH

Lunata - Dust China - salt & pictures GmbH


Title of Piece: Lunata
Brand: Dust China
Production Company: salt & pictures GmbH
Client: Dust China
Model(s): Ursula Wångander
Director: Darius Büsch
Producer(s): Lennart Neumann, Dennis Adams
Editor: Jonas Baumgärtel
Director of Photography: Lucas Hofer
Creative Director: Dou Qianlin
Production Design: Antonia Ochs
Costume Design: Jordan Kelsey
Hair & Makeup: Mantis Leprêtre, Gor- Duryan
Music/Sound Design: Nils Baumgärtel
Casting Director: David Chen
Additional Credits: Gaffer / Yannick Frotz
Instagram Tag: Creative Director - Dou Qianlin @douxqianlin Talent - Ursula Wångander@ursulawangander @nischmanagement Casting Director - David Chen @legainsbourg Director - Darius Büsch @dariusbuesch Director of Photography - Lucas Hofer @lucashofer_ Photographer - Allan hamitouche@allan.lab @saint_germain_agency Stylist - Jordan Kelsey @jordannkelsey @canvasrepresents Academic Consultant - Florent Ying @ fiorenzopedia form École normale supérieure @normalesup Make Up - Mantis Leprêtre @mantislepretre Hair Gor- Duryan @gorgeousduryan@saint_germain_agency Production - salt & pictures GmbH Producer - Dennis Adams @dennisadams__ Executive Producer - Lennart Neumann @lennartneumann Assistant Camera - Lukas Wiegand @lukaswiegand Gaffer - Yannick Frotz @yannickfrotzlighting Set Design - Antonia Ochs @antoniiaox Pyro - Roman Spira @romanspira Styling Assitant - Zoha Amal Khan @zohaak Runner / Driver - Jonas Funke@jonas_fk BTS - Anna Sokolova @annainthecitie
Short Synopsis: Luata speaks of the power derived from multiple elements and how these shape, break, and rebirth our cast. In her sleep, "Ursula" encounters the Moon Goddess, who asks her to build a temple in her honor. Driven by desperation, Ursula complies, hoping for her own rebirth. In the end, she finds what she was seeking.
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