RISING STAR (Best Direction)

I Can't Explain - IZZStudios - HIST JPG
I Can't Explain - IZZStudios - HIST MOV 4m:42s

I Can't Explain - HIST

I Can't Explain - HIST - IZZStudios


Title of Piece: I Can't Explain
Brand: HIST
Production Company: IZZStudios
Client: HIST
Model(s): Gabe Joie e Roger Luz
Director: Guilherme Muniz
Producer(s): HIST + Giulia Braide
Editor: Guilherme Muniz
Director of Photography: Riva
Art Director: HIST + IZZStudios
Creative Director: Guilherme Muniz e Giuliana Braide
Costume Design: Gio Grassi
Hair & Makeup: Laura La Laina
Music/Sound Design: Johnny Cardenuto
Visual Effects: NotAnyCo. + Tressde
Animation: NotAnyCo.
Instagram Tag: @izzstudios @gui_muniz @giulianabraide
Short Synopsis: I Can't Explain is a film that delves into the depths of what cannot be explained. The narrative takes the audience on a journey through the creative minds of Giuliana Braide and Guilherme Muniz, exploring the complexity and mystery of the unexplainable. With a unique visual aesthetic and an immersive storyline, the film raises questions about the boundaries of understanding and what lies beyond words. It is a sensory journey that invites viewers to reflect on the true meaning of the inexplicable.
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