CRAFT (Best Cinematography)

BULGARI 'Tubogas' - Wanda Productions - Bulgari JPG
BULGARI 'Tubogas' - Wanda Productions - Bulgari MP4 1m:00s

BULGARI 'Tubogas' - Bulgari
Wanda Productions

BULGARI 'Tubogas' - Bulgari - Wanda Productions


Title of Piece: BULGARI 'Tubogas'
Brand: Bulgari
Production Company: Wanda Productions
Client: Bulgari
Agency: Publicis La Maison
Director: Julien Vallon
Producer(s): Julia Gordon
Editor: Sabrina Mazni, Vincent Gay del Santo
Director of Photography: Clément de Hollogne
Art Director: Elsa Auberger
Creative Director: Antoine Bonodot
Hair & Makeup: Anne-Sofie Begtrup Ismael Blanco
Props Stylist: Fanny Ourevitch
Instagram Tag: @julien_vallon @wanda_productions @juliaegordon
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