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Rose Runner - Noir Production & Psycho Films - New Balance JPG
Rose Runner - Noir Production & Psycho Films - New Balance MP4 1m:07s

Rose Runner - New Balance
Noir Production & Psycho Films

Rose Runner - New Balance - Noir Production & Psycho Films


Title of Piece: Rose Runner
Brand: New Balance
Production Company: Noir Production & Psycho Films
Client: New Balance & Harlow Enterprises
Model(s): Maka, Danny, Pickles, Imogen, Joshua, Otto, Rauf, Urban
Director: Neal Farmer
Producer(s): Javier Alejandro, Greg Smith , Sam Canter, Alex Ayodele-Otele, Ella Kenny
Editor: Neal Farmer
Director of Photography: Jake Hunter
Creative Director: Kat Kenealy
Production Design: Ranya El-Refaey
Costume Design: Steph Major
Hair & Makeup: Karla Q Leon
Music/Sound Design: Angel Lopez, Jenius, Trevor Gates
Casting Director: All Things Scene
Writer: Neal Farmer and Jack Harlow
Additional Credits: Nycollas Abreu
Additional Credits: Ruby Ukairo
Instagram Tag: @psychofilms @neal_farmstrong @javieralejandroxldn @sam.n.canter @alexayodele.o @peachyellz
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