CRAFT (Best Direction)

Even the brightest light casts a shadow - none - MANGO JPG
Even the brightest light casts a shadow - none - MANGO VIMEO 37s

Even the brightest light casts a shadow - MANGO

Even the brightest light casts a shadow - MANGO - none


Title of Piece: Even the brightest light casts a shadow
Brand: MANGO
Production Company: none
Client: MANGO
Model(s): Antoine Griezmann
Director: Bruno Galan
Producer(s): Marta Belloc & Susana Gelida
Editor: Rita Dolina
Director of Photography: Hugo Prats
Art Director: Christopher Winter
Creative Director: Oscar Germade
Hair & Makeup: Carolina Guzmán
Music/Sound Design: Indústries Sòniques
Props Stylist: Ilduara Lamas
Additional Credits: Color Grading: Luna Sáez
Additional Credits: Voice: Daniel Francis Berenson
Additional Credits: 1st AD: Silvia Pascual
Additional Credits: Steadicam: Raúl Manchado
Additional Credits: Gaffer: Xavi Carrión
Additional Credits: Content Manager: Lucía Escudero
Additional Credits: Head of Menswear Styling: José Ángel Gutiérrez
Additional Credits: PR Manager: Ainhoa San Martín
Additional Credits: Many thanks to local EP James Stewart & Producer Bea Cañete
Instagram Tag: @mango @mango_man @oscargermade @chriscwinter @martabelloc @susanagellida @bruno_galan_ruiz @hugo.prats @_ritadolina_ @industries_soniques @lunaesaez @lostdolphin @raulmanchadosteady @ilduaravandall
Short Synopsis: The film explores the relationship between light and shadow, symbolizing the balance between failure and success in Antoine Griezmann's career as a football player. Through these contrasts, the story unfolds as one of learning, growth, and overcoming challenges. This project is part of a collaboration between Antoine Griezmann and Mango Man, highlighting their shared message of self-improvement.
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