CRAFT (Best Costume / Styling)

Despierto - LANDIA - JPG
Despierto - LANDIA - VIMEO 6m:17s


Despierto - - LANDIA


Title of Piece: Despierto
Production Company: LANDIA
Model(s): Daniel Treviño, Sasha Gonzalez
Director: Ariel Danziger
Producer(s): Juan Taylor, Thomas Amoedo
Editor: Paul La Calandra
Director of Photography: Leo Calzoni
Production Design: Daniela Pieck
Costume Design: Mariana Guerrero Dingler
Hair & Makeup: Karla Virile, Fernanda Ortiz
Music/Sound Design: FUTURE TRENDS, Nick Crane - Racketclub Music / BDS, Raul Cortes
Visual Effects: Uppercut Edit
Animation: Camila Dayson
Writer: Mariana Guerrero Dingler
Additional Credits: Art Assistant: Sofia Nuñez, Everardo Jiménez, José Vallejo
Additional Credits: Color: Harbour Picture Company - Damien Vanercruyssen
Additional Credits: LAB: METROPOST NY
Additional Credits: Producers: Mariana Guerrero Dingler, Ariel Danziger, Estefania Leal, David Kohan
Additional Credits: 1st AC: Fabian Monrroy
Instagram Tag: @ariel_danziger @landiagram #despierto
Short Synopsis: This project was a true testament to the craft of filmmaking, where everything came together spontaneously, almost serendipitously.  I was surrounded by the right group of friends in Mexico City, we found ourselves in the midst of something magical. The house—discovered through a friend—became the perfect setting, and the couple featured are both actors in Mexico City. My wife had worked with them on HBO’s VGLY, so there was a natural and unfiltered chemistry.
We followed a clear theme of “Who would they be in alternate universes” and wrote the script pretty much on the fly. Allowing the story to unfold organically. The DP Leo and I deliberately wanted to shoot on 16mm film. The location and wardrobe had so much texture, we knew digital wouldn’t do it justice 
“Despierto” was deeply personal for me, reflecting exactly where I was at that moment in my life. I had just returned from a week-long meditation retreat, and I felt suspended between a dream state and reality. In many ways, the film became an exploration of that in-between space—a bridge between the conscious and subconscious, between worlds that may or may not exist.
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