EXPERIENTIAL (Best Experimental)

Mesmerising jellyfish dancing in the moonlight - Arjun Mark - Canon India JPG
Mesmerising jellyfish dancing in the moonlight - Arjun Mark - Canon India MOV 56s

Mesmerising jellyfish dancing in the moonlight - Canon India
Arjun Mark

Mesmerising jellyfish dancing in the moonlight - Canon India - Arjun Mark


Title of Piece: Mesmerising jellyfish dancing in the moonlight
Brand: Canon India
Production Company: Arjun Mark
Client: Canon India
Director: Arjun Mark
Producer(s): Nafromax Productions
Creative Director: Arjun Mark
Costume Design: Harshad Gadhvi
Hair & Makeup: Marianna Mukuchyan
Instagram Tag: @arjun.mark @marianna_mukuchyan @harshad.fshn @nafromax
Short Synopsis: Mesmerising jellyfish dancing in the moonlight.
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