LUXURY (Independent)

For all the Roses in the world - Phantasm - Marcia wear JPG
For all the Roses in the world - Phantasm - Marcia wear MP4 1m:27s

For all the Roses in the world - Marcia wear

For all the Roses in the world - Marcia wear - Phantasm


Title of Piece: For all the Roses in the world
Brand: Marcia wear
Production Company: Phantasm
Client: Marcia Wear
Director: Pierre-Ange Carlotti
Producer(s): Gary Farkas, Hugo Selignac, Paco de Bary, Lea Ranaivojoelina
Editor: Edouard Mailaender
Director of Photography: Laurent Tangy
Art Director: Emma Reynaud
Production Design: Samuel Hergibo
Hair & Makeup: Philippe Mensah, Lisa Michalik
Music/Sound Design: Jean René Coste
Additional Credits: Cast: Adèle Exarchopoulos
Instagram Tag: @pierreangecarlotti @laurent.tangy
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