LIFESTYLE (High Street)

Heroes and Icons - Provoke - Alpha Industries JPG
Heroes and Icons - Provoke - Alpha Industries VIMEO 1m:06s

Heroes and Icons - Alpha Industries

Heroes and Icons - Alpha Industries - Provoke


Title of Piece: Heroes and Icons
Brand: Alpha Industries
Production Company: Provoke
Client: Alpha Industries
Agency: Provoke
Director: Poria Asghari
Producer(s): Isabella von Ende, Omid Farzami
Editor: Poria Asghari, Robin van Geemen
Director of Photography: Daan Huttinga
Creative Director: Poria Asghari
Costume Design: Kate Housh
Hair & Makeup: Dewi Houthoff, Charlotte van Beusekom
Music/Sound Design: Arcan Yildiz, Archie Presley
Casting Director: Bruno Sitton
Visual Effects: Poria Asghari, Ruben Coers
Writer: Poria Asghari
Instagram Tag: @pourxtoi @provokelabs @daanhuttinga @omidfarzami_ @katehoush @isabellamve
Short Synopsis: In this experimental film we (literally) travel through time visiting iconic use cases of the bomber jacket. It starts with 80s Germany during the fall of the wall, where this fashion piece was embraced by counter- and punk culture. Subsequently we fast forward to London during millenium year where you would see the jacket in grime and uk rave culture. Lastly, we visit 2024 Paris where the bomber jacket has become a canvas and embraced globally by the fashion world.

The bomber jacket is an iconic piece of fashion through time that everyone knows. The heritage brand (1958), Alpha Industries that is the originator of the bomber jacket , has decided to pay homage to its role in culture and create a brandfilm introducing a new creative direction that sets the tone forward.
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