CRAFT (Best Direction)

Poney Dance - Colors - Hermès JPG
Poney Dance - Colors - Hermès MP4 59s

Poney Dance - Hermès

Poney Dance - Hermès - Colors


Title of Piece: Poney Dance
Brand: Hermès
Production Company: Colors
Client: Hermès
Director: Charlotte Wales
Producer(s): Jules Dieng / Julie Mathieu
Editor: Tianès Montasser
Director of Photography: Benoit Debie
Art Director: rachel cazadamont
Production Design: Sauvage Herve
Costume Design: Charlotte Collet
Hair & Makeup: Olivier Schawalder / christine corbel
Music/Sound Design: Joakim Bouaziz
Writer: rachel cazadamont
Additional Credits: Choreography : Philippe Decouflé
Instagram Tag: @charlottemwales @benoitdebie @creativeartistsagency
Short Synopsis: Hermès celebrates its equestrian heritage with a stunning role-reversal show directed by Charlotte Wales and produced by Colors. Belts have replaced bridles, sabots become boots and silk squares take the place of ribbons. The Pony Dance animates the collections with a contagious energy.
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