LIFESTYLE (Editorial Media)

Nudibranch - Mimi Langenstein - Nudibranch Magazine JPG
Nudibranch - Mimi Langenstein - Nudibranch Magazine MOV 4m:04s

Nudibranch - Nudibranch Magazine
Mimi Langenstein

Nudibranch - Nudibranch Magazine - Mimi Langenstein


Title of Piece: Nudibranch
Brand: Nudibranch Magazine
Production Company: Mimi Langenstein
Client: -
Agency: -
Director: Mimi Langenstein
Producer(s): Vanessa Biermann
Editor: Kimberley Brown
Director of Photography: On Land / Paul Sonntag, Underwater/ Nolan Verheij
Art Director: Mimi Langenstein
Creative Director: Mimi Langenstein
Costume Design: Mimi Langenstein, Jess Lee Foote
Hair & Makeup: Hair - Tina Patcha, Make Up - Tanja Gravina, HAM Assistant - Johanna Wellenzohn, Wig Artist - Madison´s World
Music/Sound Design: Sound Design & Music Composition - Marcos Micozzi
Casting Director: Mimi Langenstein
Props Stylist: Mimi Langenstein, Jess Lee Foote
Additional Credits: Protagonist on Land - Alvin Collantes, Protagonist Underwater - Dominique Abraham
Additional Credits: Set Design - Lillian Ceben / Assistants - Celina Blattert, Paula Toro
Additional Credits: Macro Videographer - Igor Adameyko
Additional Credits: Light Director - Paul Pallapies, Light Assistant - Richard Wellershoff
Additional Credits: Camera Assistant 1 - Niklas Hanske, Camera Assistant 2 - Steve Röder
Additional Credits: Colorist - Nolan Verheij, Colorist Advisor - Ben Cushman
Additional Credits: Catering - Petra Langenstein
Additional Credits: Set Assistant - Henry Kurtze
Additional Credits: Special thanks to Esther Dittmann from Delight Rent Berlin, Annette Barnett, Johannes Backhaus-Barnett from Spiegelarche
Instagram Tag: @nudibranch_magazine @the_story_of_a_biologist @alvincollantesdance @mimi_stein
Short Synopsis: A story of a Nudibranch, a sea slug, sparkly and slimy yet to be seen. In collaboration with the greatest micro biologists Igor Adameyk , the movement performer Alvin Collantes and the free diver Dominique Abraham. Together raising awareness for the Marine and Macro Worlds.

The story begin with the Mariana trench waking up. While the forgotten sea slug is locked inside a human tank, they are collecting oxygen and hair, evolving through different states and shapes. Transforming into liquid before breaking out of the cocoon state. The fluid forms representing the fluid gender identities and the LGBTQAI+ communities, as biology has always known queer lives.

The Nudibranch lands inside another tank with mirrors. There it learns to take it first breath on land. Like most pelagic sea creatures breathing through skin. The viewers perspective shifts from domesticating underwater worlds to landing in the same sensory tank themselves at the end. The worlds we can find in one water-drop is ours too.
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