EXPERIENTIAL (Best Experimental)

Sticks & Stones - - - - JPG
Sticks & Stones - - - - MP4 3m:34s

Sticks & Stones - -

Sticks & Stones - - - -


Title of Piece: Sticks & Stones
Brand: -
Production Company: -
Client: -
Agency: -
Director: Insane
Producer(s): Janneke Mushonga
Editor: Amber Hooijmans
Director of Photography: Ezra Reverda
Art Director: Insane
Creative Director: Insane
Production Design: Insane
Costume Design: Josephine Herfst
Hair & Makeup: Faisa Sontodimenjo
Music/Sound Design: Sjoerd Limberger Ft HALCYON
Casting Director: The Movers
Visual Effects: The Compound
Writer: Insane
Additional Credits: Maric Dam - Steadicam opperator
Additional Credits: Nicholas Burrough - Gaffer
Additional Credits: The Movers, Nicola Balhuizen Hepp - Choreography
Additional Credits: Cast: Ekaterina Cheporova, Cristel de Frankrijker, Océane Lhomme, Hani Andary, Tony Etnel, Tommy Heeffer
Additional Credits: Jelle Bokelmann - 1st AC
Additional Credits: Stijn Ooms - Best Boy Lights
Additional Credits: Would It Even Matter - Music Track Title
Additional Credits: Sticks & Stones is supported by the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts
Additional Credits: Cuba Rebelde & Geertje Hadderingh - PA
Additional Credits: Celeste Girot & Grietje Schepper - Set Assistants
Instagram Tag: @insane.today @summatymlove @ezra_reverda @themovers.amsterdam @sjoerdlimberger @fromhalcyonwithlove @maric98 @j.herfst @ardi_rt @cristeldefrankrijker @oceane_lhomme @haniandary @tony_etnel @tommy.hffr @afk020
Short Synopsis: Sticks & Stones is an artistic reflection on inner struggles with negativity and criticism. A twist on the adage ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,’ Insane visualizes the mental anguish criticisms can cause. As a game of Mikado takes a turn for the worse, the protagonist finds herself battling against the negativity building up in her mind. In the film, art, fashion and dance converge to depict the feelings of self-doubt that everyone has encountered at one time or another.
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