DODxMalbec - Landia - DOD x O Boticário JPEG
DODxMalbec - Landia - DOD x O Boticário VIMEO 1m:00s

DODxMalbec - DOD x O Boticário

DODxMalbec - DOD x O Boticário - Landia


Title of Piece: DODxMalbec
Brand: DOD x O Boticário
Production Company: Landia
Client: O Boticário
Agency: AlmapBBDO
Director: Matheo Fernandes
Producer(s): Carol Dantas, Sebastian Hall, Valentina Baisch & Lari Delfini
Art Director: Manu Mazzaro & Matheo Fernandes
Creative Director: Manu Mazzaro
Editor: Matheo Fernandes
Director of Photography: Bruno Pacine
Production Design: Muriel Rañi
Costume Design: Maycon Felix
Hair & Makeup: Veruska
Music/Sound Design: RAW Audio
Casting Director: Mariana Carneiro
Visual Effects: LANDIA
Writer: Matheo Fernandes
Additional Credits: Production Director: Reinaldo Farias & Ronder William
Additional Credits: Production Coordinator: Camilla Bastos
Additional Credits: Color Grading: Matheo Fernandes
Additional Credits: Post-Production Coordination: Elton Bronzeli & Jamila Ambar
Additional Credits: 1st AD: Gabriela Sampaio
Additional Credits: 2nd AD: Marta Miranda
Additional Credits: Managing Director: Carolina Dantas & Sebastian Hall
Instagram Tag: @______matheo @landiagram @carodantas @sebastianhall @manumazzaro #DODxMalbec
Short Synopsis: In a world where mischief meets cynicism and surrealism, a campaign is born that transcends imagination. Crafted for the collaboration between O Boticário and DOD, this is a celebration of the launch of the new Malbec Elegant fragrance and exclusive tailoring pieces that exude elegance and sophistication. Step into the senses and let yourself be enveloped by a magical and enchanting atmosphere. Discover the unexpected, the extraordinary, and allow yourself to be captivated by a universe of beauty and style.
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