The Witch of Love - Collaborative Mallorca - JPEG
The Witch of Love - Collaborative Mallorca - MOV 2m:08s

The Witch of Love
Collaborative Mallorca

The Witch of Love - - Collaborative Mallorca

Official Selection

Title of Piece: The Witch of Love
Production Company: Collaborative Mallorca
Director: Shivone Dominguez Blascikova , Kilian IRZ
Producer(s): Shivone Dominguez Blascikova
Art Director: Shivone Dominguez Blascikova, Elena Soheim, Carmen Arbona
Creative Director: Shivone Dominguez Blascikova, Elena Soheim
Editor: Kilian IRZ , nené
Director of Photography: Kilian IRZ
Hair & Makeup: Carme Arbona Manera
Music/Sound Design: Radovan Brtko
Additional Credits: Photographer: Kilian IRZ
Instagram Tag: @shivon.e @kaieleiaene @karmart_00 @666fail @unamicadenene
Short Synopsis: “The Witch of Love” is the aka of the emerging singer songwriter Shivone.
It unites her three cultures: Cuban, Slovak , Spanish.. creating a love letter through art , musically and visually speaking.

The Witch of Love was first created for her original co-devised play “Miss Brexit”. As Shivone’s artistic background is acting and dancing too.

Identity is the epicenter of her artistic journey and expressing it through songs or movement allows her to find answers and stops her from allowing a stereotype to lead her narrative.
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