Equilibrio - Álamo Audiovisual - Punto Blanco JPG
Equilibrio - Álamo Audiovisual - Punto Blanco MOV 3m:25s

Equilibrio - Punto Blanco
Álamo Audiovisual

Equilibrio - Punto Blanco - Álamo Audiovisual

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Equilibrio
Brand: Punto Blanco
Production Company: Álamo Audiovisual
Client: Punto Blanco
Director: Camilo Velásquez A.
Producer(s): Andrés White
Creative Director: María Clara Mejía
Editor: David Castaño
Director of Photography: Andrés White
Production Design: Natalia Mejía
Costume Design: Andrés Castellanos
Hair & Makeup: Dora Simson - Carolina Lebrun
Music/Sound Design: Camilo Posada
Casting Director: Eliana de Greiff
Visual Effects: Invisible Work
Animation: Invisible Work
Writer: María Clara Mejía
Instagram Tag: @puntoblancooficial @alamoaudiovisual @camilo.velasquez.a @mcmejiam @_acastellanos_ @shaunaydavis @juanmiguelposada @andreswhitec
Short Synopsis: Dance and fluidity. Strength and movement.

Energy that arises from the very center and always carries itself in circular motion.
Opposing forces that are observed and acknowledged, reflecting and merging at the same time to become one and create balance.

A Fashion Film that speaks of life as a journey of ups and downs and emotions through contemporary dance and classical music. Developed in a setting as imposing as its solitariness, wild and instinctive like human life, and undeniably peaceful.
Punto Blanco acknowledges the solemnity that resides in the Colombian Pacific and honors it through fashion, art, and music, to remind us of the fragility and at the same time, the vastness of the human being.
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