Pinky Promise 2022 - Bendegúz Csizmadia & Iván Karajz - blk - lilla barsony JPG
Pinky Promise 2022 - Bendegúz Csizmadia & Iván Karajz - blk - lilla barsony MP4 1m:29s

Pinky Promise 2022 - blk - lilla barsony
Bendegúz Csizmadia & Iván Karajz

Pinky Promise 2022 - blk - lilla barsony - Bendegúz Csizmadia & Iván Karajz

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Pinky Promise 2022
Brand: blk - lilla barsony
Production Company: Bendegúz Csizmadia & Iván Karajz
Director: Bendegúz Csizmadia & Iván Karajz
Producer(s): Bendegúz Csizmadia & Iván Karajz
Art Director: Lilla Bársony
Director of Photography: Dániel Kiszler
Costume Design: Lilla Bársony
Hair & Makeup: Alíz Konrád
Music/Sound Design: Sonderzug
Props Stylist: Dóra Lilla Illés
Additional Credits: Focus puller & ac - János Darmos
Additional Credits: Models - Patrícia Tóth & Gergely Dér
Short Synopsis: The theme of the collection is the promise to the child in all of us to be there for them, not to be abandoned in their journey through life. If the inner child in us were given enough space to develop, its attitude could teach us and help us through points in life where the adult will is too little, and only the child's playful attitude can push us to grow.
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