REPLICA - Exhalt.e by La Belle Façon - 3537 JPEG
REPLICA - Exhalt.e by La Belle Façon - 3537 MP4 5m:06s

REPLICA - 3537
Exhalt.e by La Belle Façon

REPLICA - 3537 - Exhalt.e by La Belle Façon


Title of Piece: REPLICA
Brand: 3537
Production Company: Exhalt.e by La Belle Façon
Director: SimonaGun (aka Nicolas Simon & Virna Hagen Auvergne)
Producer(s): Marielle Elis
Art Director: Virna Hagen Auvergne
Editor: Nicolas Simon
Director of Photography: Olivier Guerbois
Costume Design: Lucille Betancourt
Hair & Makeup: Maud Eigenheer
Music/Sound Design: Thomas Couzinier
Casting Director: Mès Lesne
Writer: SimonaGun (aka Nicolas Simon & Virna Hagen Auvergne)
Additional Credits: Original Idea : SimonaGun & Mès Lesne
Additional Credits: Choreographer : Mès Lesne
Additional Credits: Stylist : Amélie Nguyen
Additional Credits: Dancer : Aliashka Hilsum
Additional Credits: Dancer : Kylian 'Kuty' Toto
Additional Credits: Dancer : Lucie Domenach
Additional Credits: Dancer : Miranda Chan
Additional Credits: Dancer : Myana Van Cuijlenborg
Additional Credits: Dancer : Séréna Freira
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Short Synopsis: REPLICA is a choreographic film staging human nature. The one where humans become 'normalized' and adhere more and more to a form of standardization. In this quest, time remains the key because it is after it that humans run, in search of eternal youth. Time, space-time and the time loop remain the enigma of Replica.

Uniformity of everyday life, morals, beauty, styles, ambitions of life, of evolving in society, of loving, of appearing... Each one is an umpteenth replica of the one who thought he was different, in a world where authenticity is dying. In this world where the gaps between "the normal" and "the marginal" are widening, will a simple glance from a small group driven by the love of dance be enough to break the invariable loop in which these replicas seem condemned to wander? And perhaps finally bring to light the beauty of all differences.

« One becomes the replica of the one who sows normality, in an era where normalisation is king » SimonaGun & Mes Lesne
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