Iron Love - Flavor On The Rocks - Maison J. Simone JPG
Iron Love - Flavor On The Rocks - Maison J. Simone VIMEO 2m:32s

Iron Love - Maison J. Simone
Flavor On The Rocks

Iron Love - Maison J. Simone - Flavor On The Rocks

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Iron Love
Brand: Maison J. Simone
Production Company: Flavor On The Rocks
Client: None
Agency: None
Director: Favio Vinson
Producer(s): Favio Vinson
Art Director: Favio Vinson
Creative Director: Favio Vinson
Editor: Quentin Kiawtkowski
Director of Photography: Andres Gomez Orellana
Costume Design: Jude Ferrari
Hair & Makeup: Calypso Sam, Isis Krak, Kevyn Charo
Music/Sound Design: Toco Vervisch
Visual Effects: Juan Sotelo
Writer: Favio Vinson
Instagram Tag: @favio.vinson
Short Synopsis: A short tale of love and piercings

Ever heard of love as an unbreakable bond? After indulging her newly found obsession for face piercings, Elssy randomly meets Djamila in a park. One eye contact is all it takes for these two to take their union to the next level...
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