Futuri Aprili - Bright srl - Multiple brands JPG
Futuri Aprili - Bright srl - Multiple brands VIMEO 2m:54s

Futuri Aprili - Multiple brands
Bright srl

Futuri Aprili - Multiple brands - Bright srl


Title of Piece: Futuri Aprili
Brand: Multiple brands
Production Company: Bright srl
Agency: Artc Agency
Director: Enrico Bellenghi
Producer(s): Enrico Bellenghi, Valentina Todeschi, Riccardo Pellegrino
Editor: Andrea Zendali
Director of Photography: Valentina Todeschi
Costume Design: Enrico Bellenghi, Sofia Bertozzi
Hair & Makeup: Rhea Yu
Music/Sound Design: Andrea Costanza
Writer: Enrico Bellenghi, Francesca Picarelli Perrotta
Additional Credits: Riccardo Pellegrino - camera
Additional Credits: Pietro Ronzoni - 1AC
Additional Credits: Dario Tavelli - 1AD
Additional Credits: Stefano Monti - Sound Engineer
Additional Credits: Edoardo Maione - production coordinator
Additional Credits: Alice Gnech - production assistant
Additional Credits: Junse Liu, Mattia Quaglia - styling assistants
Instagram Tag: written and directed by: Enrico Bellenghi, @enricobellenghi editor: Andrea Zendali, @andreazendali director of photography: Valentina Todeschi, @valentina_todeschi camera operator: Riccardo Pellegrino, @riccardo.pellegrino_ 1AC and colorist: Pietro Ronzoni, @peeta_r sound engineer: Stefano Monti, @stemonti question writer and interviewer: Francesca Perrotta, @_frapicarelliperrotta_ music: Andrea Costanza, @andreacostanza__ producer: Enrico Bellenghi, @enricobellenghi executive producer: Valentina Todeschi, @valentina_todeschi , Riccardo Pellegrino, @riccardo.pellegrino_ 1AD: Dario Tavelli @raviol0_ production coordinator: Edoardo Maione, @edoardomaione production assistant: Alice Gnech, @alice_gnech production agency: Bright srl @brightsrlit, ARTC Agency @artc_agency wardrobe: Antonio Marras @antoniomarrasofficial, Miaoran @miaoran_studio, Red September @redseptemberdesign, Amish, New era @neweraeurope, Pas De Mer @pasdemer, Isabella 1985 @isabella_1985_, Laboratorio riciclopelle @laboratorioriciclopelle, Saverio Palatella @saveriopalatella, Carmine Vallone @carminevallonecouture, Absidem @absidem, Francesca Cottone, Kiara Saba @kiarasabaofficial, John Zucca @johnzucca, Andrea Boccadoro @andrea.boccadoro, Deville @wearedeville fashion showrooms: Sept. showroom @septshowroom, S2B press @s2bpress, Terenzi Communications @terenzicommunications, Stove Communication @stovecommunication, Nob showroom @ nobshowroom studio: Photosyntesis film stock: Panalight, @panalight lab and development: Kafard films @kafardfilms , Silverway @silverwayparis
Short Synopsis: Futuri Aprili is a fashion film that focuses on the sensitivity of young subcultures towards important social issues. It features interviews with a diverse group of individuals who are in an age of transition and are linked by their belonging to this age group. The film mixes documentary narrative with filmic fiction to create an introspective and contemporary language that doesn't distance it from its narrative nature. Each interviewee is stripped of their places and made to converge in limbo, an abstraction of the mind, and some are featured in external locations to represent liminal spaces. The podcast and fanzine complement the fashion film by giving more space to the voices and identity of the interviewees using fashion as the main context. The title of the film, Futuri Aprili, is a tribute to a poem by director Pier Paolo Pasolini entitled "Supplica a Mia Madre", in which he combines the words "Futuro Aprile" as a poetic representation of a "spring-like", i.e. happy, future. The choice of the tribute is due to the fact that Pasolini is also the author of the project's main film reference, namely 'Comizi d'Amore', a 1963 film that was one of the first to deal with such themes in a documentary key and to give a space to youth cultures to talk about themselves and the future they see ahead of them.
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