Agne Kuzmickaite Spring /Summer 2023 - Vsi JPG
Agne Kuzmickaite Spring /Summer 2023 - Vsi YOUTUBE 2m:45s

Agne Kuzmickaite Spring /Summer 2023 - Agne Kuzmickaite
Vsi "Agnes Kuzmickaites kurybos namai"

Agne Kuzmickaite Spring /Summer 2023 - Agne Kuzmickaite - Vsi

Official Selection

Title of Piece: Agne Kuzmickaite Spring /Summer 2023
Brand: Agne Kuzmickaite
Production Company: Vsi "Agnes Kuzmickaites kurybos namai"
Director: Agne Kuzmickaite
Producer(s): Agne Kuzmickaite
Art Director: Agne Kuzmickaite, Karina Panina
Creative Director: Agne Kuzmickaite
Editor: Artis Dzerve, Agne Kuzmickaite, Karina Panina
Director of Photography: Artis Dzerve
Costume Design: Agne Kuzmickaite
Hair & Makeup: Aurelija Krebsaite
Props Stylist: Karina Panina
Additional Credits: assistant Grete Labanauskaite
Instagram Tag: @agnekuzmickaite @artisdzerve @karinapanina @gretelaba @aurellijaa
Short Synopsis: Latest spring/summer collection - the designer's gentle commentary on the nature of the world of fashion in the context of global cataclysms - ecological, pandemic, war. When faced with problems, in the first moments of tragedy, the world demonstrates unification and solidarity in famous slogans, but words remain only words.

"I noticed that both after the start of the war in Ukraine and before, during the pandemic - many fashion houses declared their support and concern for the situation. At the time it seemed that some important changes will take place - ecological problems will be solved, production will be reduced, etc.

However, after more time, loud statements are being forgotten and everyone goes back to their usual routine. In this collection I want to draw attention to the problems that still exist and that the war is still ongoing", says the artist.
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